marți, 5 februarie 2008

Hoshi No Koe - Voices Of A Distant Star

Hoshi No Koe - filmul meu preferat de animatie. O poveste de dragoste intre doua persoane, un baiat si o fata in varsta de 15 ani, abia intrati la liceu. O fata care este aleasa sa mearga in spatiu sa infrunte o specie extraterestra necunoscuta, o infruntare intr-un alt sistem solar, din care nu se va intoarce vreodata. Un baiat ramas pe Terra, si care asteapta zi de zi ca fata sa se intoarca, sau macar sa primeasca un mesaj de la ea. Colegi pana ce au ajuns in liceu, ei nu se vor mai intalni vreodata, insa dragostea lor va strabate cosmosul de la un capat la altul. Relativitatea spatiu-timp va face ca la final fata sa aiba 16 ani, iar baiatul 25.
In urma acestui film ramane si o melodie superba: Through The Years And Far Away, cantata de Ai Myoko. Versurile sunt mai jos:

 Hello, little star
Are you doing fine?
I'm lonely as everything in birth

Sometimes in the dark
When I close my eyes
I dream of you, the planet earth

If I could fly across this night
Faster than the speed of light
I would spread these wings of mine

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
See the shine that never blinks
The shine that never fades

Thousand years and far away
Far beyond the silky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

Hello, tiny star
Can you hear me call?
I'm so blind as everything at birth

If I could flow against these nights
Straiter than the string of light
I would lay these hands on time

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
See the shine that never blinks
The shine that never fades

Thousand years and far away
Far beyond the silky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

Through the years and far away
Far beyond the milky way
You're the shine that never blinks
The shine that never dies

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